According to the guidelines of the GNCTD and the CENTRAL POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD, there are binding guidelines that must be followed by all construction sites to control dust pollution.
Dust protection Guidelines for construction projects
• No government, agency, contractor, contractor, or person is allowed to store/dump construction materials or rubble on a metal road.
• Outside the paved road, the storage area for building materials or rubble should be physically demarcated by officials from all relevant authorities / companies to ensure that it does not interfere with the freedom of movement/inconvenience of pedestrians.
• The building material should be covered with a tarpaulin and all other precautions should be taken to ensure that dust particles do not affect the air quality from such storage.
• Place a tarpaulin over the scaffolding around the construction site and the building.
• Appropriate protective measures should be taken by installing appropriate height windscreens with plastic and/or similar material on all sides of the property/area to ensure that dust is not removed from the materials. This is the responsibility of the builder/contractor that its activity does not cause air pollution.
• It is the responsibility of each client to transport building materials and waste to the construction site, landfill, or other location in accordance with the regulations.
• Vehicles carrying building materials and rubble of all kinds should be cleaned after unloading these materials before driving on the road.
• All trucks or vehicles of any kind used for construction / or to transport construction materials must be fully covered. Vehicles must be properly cleaned, dust-free and all necessary precautions must be taken to ensure that no particles get into the air / contaminate the air.
• Dust emissions from the construction site must be fully controlled and all relevant precautions must be taken.
• Every worker working on the construction site who is involved in loading, unloading, and transporting construction materials and rubble must wear a mask to prevent the inhalation of dust particles.
• Each owner and/or builder is responsible for providing all medical assistance, examinations, and treatments to workers involved in the construction of the building and the transportation of building materials and debris related to dust emissions.
• Compulsory use of the wet jet for grinding and cutting the stone.
• Wind protection walls around the construction site.
• All builders who build commercial and residential complexes that fall under the EIA notification of 2006 must create a green belt around the building they have erected. All authorities must ensure that these green belts are in place prior to issuing the occupancy certificate.
• All builders must ensure that construction and demolition rubble is only transported to the construction and demolition rubble site in accordance with this order, and proper records must be kept by builders, freight forwarders, and the Delhi NCR.
• Even if the construction work started after an environmental permit according to the EIA notification 2006 was applied for and other relocations were carried out, but without the preventive and protective environmental measures specified in this decree and the MoEF guidelines 2010, the state government, SPCB and all of the above departmental representatives are entitled to a direct walkout.
Dust protection measures in construction projects
• Use of tarpaulin to prevent the spread of dust on buildings and infrastructure under construction.
• Water spray and fine spray from the nozzles to suppress dust.
• In the case of material stores/warehouses, it must be ensured that all material stores are properly covered and locked so that they are not exposed to situations in which wind could lead to dust particle emissions on the construction site. Fabrics and plastics used to cover piles of earth and rubble are effective ways to reduce volatile dust.
• Tarpaulins must be used for the buildings.

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Source- id=UmVwb3J0RmlsZXMvNTYxXzE1MTE5MzMzNzJfbWVkaWFwaG90bzEyNjcxLnBkZg==
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