GATE Architecture 2024 Exam: Prepare with Free Mock Tests- 1


Architecture 2024 exam preparation with a student studying diligently

GATE Architecture Free mock test for- Architecture, Planning, and Design

Topics Covered- Architectural Graphics; Visual composition in 2D and 3D; Computer application in Architecture and
Planning; Anthropometrics; Organization of space; Circulation- horizontal and vertical; Space
Standards; Universal design; Building bye-laws; Codes and standards.

Explore detailed articles related to the topics covered in this mock test-

Building for Humanity: How Universal Design Shapes a More Inclusive World

How Byelaws Shape Safe, Sustainable, and Livable Cities

Beyond Corridors: Unveiling the Art and Science of Circulation in Architecture

Visual Composition: The Art of Arranging Elements in Two Dimensions

List of all Gate Architecture Free Mock Tests

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Here are 30 multiple-choice questions for the GATE Architecture mock test, covering the topics of Architecture, Planning, and Design:

  1. What is the term used to describe the arrangement of visual elements in a two-dimensional composition? (Read Detailed article on this topic here)
    a) Anthropometrics
    b) Visual composition
    c) Building bye-laws
    d) Universal design
  2. Which field of study focuses on the measurement of the human body and its proportions? (Read Detailed article on this topic here)
    a) Space standards
    b) Anthropometrics
    c) Universal design
    d) Architectural graphics
  3. In architectural design, what does circulation refer to? (Read a detailed article on this topic here)
    a) The movement of people and vehicles within a building or site
    b) Visual composition in 2D and 3D
    c) Computer applications in Architecture and Planning
    d) Space standards
  4. What is the purpose of building byelaws? (Read a detailed article on this topic here)
    a) To ensure compliance with codes and standards
    b) To establish universal design principles
    c) To determine space standards
    d) To regulate the construction and use of buildings
  5. Which area of study focuses on creating spaces that are accessible to people with disabilities? (Read a detailed article on this topic)
    a) Universal design
    b) Visual composition
    c) Anthropometrics
    d) Architectural graphics
  6. What do codes and standards in architecture refer to?
    a) Guidelines for building construction and safety
    b) Space standards for different building types
    c) Principles of visual composition in 2D and 3D
    d) Computer applications in Architecture and Planning
  7. How is visual composition in 2D and 3D relevant to architectural design? (Read a detailed article on this topic)
    a) It helps create aesthetically pleasing designs
    b) It determines space standards
    c) It focuses on anthropometric measurements
    d) It ensures compliance with building byelaws
  8. Which field of study involves the use of computer software for architectural design and planning?
    a) Computer applications in Architecture and Planning
    b) Space standards
    c) Universal design
    d) Building byelaws
  9. What is the term used to describe the overall arrangement and organization of spaces in a building?
    a) Circulation
    b) Anthropometrics
    c) Organization of space
    d) Building byelaws
  10. What is the concept of universal design in architecture? (Read a detailed article here)
    a) Designing spaces that are accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities
    b) Applying visual composition principles in architectural graphics
    c) Using computer applications for efficient planning
    d) Following space standards defined by building byelaws
  11. What is the purpose of space standards in architecture?
    a) To define the minimum requirements for different types of spaces
    b) To establish visual composition principles
    c) To regulate circulation in buildings
    d) To ensure compliance with universal design principles
  12. How do architectural graphics contribute to the design process?
    a) They communicate design ideas through drawings and visual representations
    b) They determine space standards for different building types
    c) They focus on anthropometric measurements for user comfort
    d) They ensure compliance with building byelaws and codes
  13. Which aspect of architectural design is concerned with the horizontal and vertical movement of people within a building?
    a) Circulation
    b) Anthropometrics
    c) Organization of space
    d) Universal design
  14. What is the purpose of computer applications in Architecture and Planning?
    a) To assist in the design, visualization, and analysis of architectural projects
    b) To establish space standards for different building types
    c) To regulate circulation within buildings
    d) To ensure compliance with building byelaws
  15. What is the term used to describe the minimum requirements for dimensions and proportions of spaces in a building?
    a) Space standards
    b) Building byelaws
    c) Visual composition
    d) Universal design
  16. Which aspect of architectural design involves considering the needs of different user groups, including people with disabilities?
    a) Universal design
    b) Architectural graphics
    c) Circulation
    d) Organization of space
  17. What do building byelaws regulate?
    a) The construction and use of buildings
    b) Visual composition principles
    c) Anthropometric measurements
    d) Computer applications in Architecture and Planning
  18. How does visual composition contribute to the aesthetic quality of architectural designs?
    a) It determines space standards and dimensions
    b) It ensures compliance with building byelaws
    c) It creates visually pleasing compositions of elements and materials
    d) It focuses on anthropometric measurements for user comfort
  19. What is the term used to describe the arrangement and layout of spaces within a building?
    a) Organization of space
    b) Circulation
    c) Universal design
    d) Architectural graphics
  20. How are codes and standards different in the context of architecture?
    a) Codes are legal regulations, while standards are guidelines
    b) Codes define space standards, while standards regulate circulation
    c) Codes focus on anthropometric measurements, while standards determine visual composition principles
    d) Codes ensure compliance with building byelaws, while standards establish universal design principles
  21. What is the primary purpose of anthropometric measurements in architecture?
    a) To determine the dimensions and proportions of spaces for user comfort
    b) To regulate circulation within buildings
    c) To establish space standards for different building types
    d) To ensure compliance with universal design principles
  22. How can computer applications assist architects in the design process?
    a) By facilitating 3D visualization and analysis of architectural projects
    b) By determining space standards and dimensions
    c) By regulating circulation within buildings
    d) By ensuring compliance with building byelaws
  23. What does organization of space refer to in architecture?
    a) The arrangement and layout of spaces within a building
    b) The aesthetic composition of visual elements
    c) The measurement and proportion of human bodies
    d) The application of computer software in architectural design
  24. Which area of study focuses on creating spaces that are accessible and usable by people of all abilities?
    a) Universal design
    b) Visual composition
    c) Space standards
    d) Building byelaws
  25. How do space standards contribute to the functionality of a building?
    a) They ensure that spaces are adequately sized and proportioned for their intended use
    b) They establish visual composition principles
    c) They regulate circulation within buildings
    d) They determine anthropometric measurements for user comfort
  26. What is the role of architectural graphics in the design process?
    a) They communicate design ideas through drawings and visual representations
    b) They determine space standards for different building types
    c) They focus on anthropometric measurements for user comfort
    d) They ensure compliance with building byelaws and codes
  27. Which aspect of architectural design is concerned with the movement of people within a building, including staircases and corridors?
    a) Circulation
    b) Anthropometrics
    c) Organization of space
    d) Universal design
  28. How can computer applications assist in architectural planning?
    a) By providing tools for efficient design, visualization, and analysis
    b) By establishing space standards for different building types c) By regulating circulation within buildings
    d) By ensuring compliance with building byelaws and codes
  29. What is the purpose of building byelaws in architecture?
    a) To regulate the construction and use of buildings
    b) To establish visual composition principles
    c) To determine space standards
    d) To ensure compliance with universal design principles
  30. How does universal design benefit architectural projects?
    a) It ensures accessibility and usability for people of all abilities
    b) It establishes space standards and dimensions
    c) It focuses on anthropometric measurements for user comfort
    d) It facilitates compliance with building byelaws and codes

Here are the correct answers to the questions:

  1. b) Visual composition (Detailed article link)
  2. b) Anthropometrics (Detailed article link)
  3. a) The movement of people and vehicles within a building or site (Detailed article link)
  4. a) To ensure compliance with codes and standards (Detailed article link)
  5. a) Universal design (Detailed article link)
  6. a) Guidelines for building construction and safety
  7. a) It helps create aesthetically pleasing designs (Detailed article link)
  8. a) Computer applications in Architecture and Planning
  9. c) Organization of space
  10. a) Designing spaces that are accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities (Detailed article link)
  11. a) To define the minimum requirements for different types of spaces
  12. a) They communicate design ideas through drawings and visual representations
  13. a) Circulation
  14. a) To assist in the design, visualization, and analysis of architectural projects
  15. a) Space standards
  16. a) Universal design
  17. a) The construction and use of buildings
  18. c) It creates visually pleasing compositions of elements and materials
  19. a) Organization of space
  20. a) Codes are legal regulations, while standards are guidelines
  21. a) To determine the dimensions and proportions of spaces for user comfort
  22. a) By facilitating 3D visualization and analysis of architectural projects
  23. a) The arrangement and layout of spaces within a building
  24. a) Universal design
  25. a) They ensure that spaces are adequately sized and proportioned for their intended use
  26. a) They communicate design ideas through drawings and visual representations
  27. a) Circulation
  28. a) By providing tools for efficient design, visualization, and analysis of architectural projects
  29. a) To regulate the construction and use of buildings
  30. a) It ensures accessibility and usability for people of all abilities

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