GATE Architecture 2024 Exam: Prepare with Free Mock Tests- 2


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GATE Architecture Free mock test for Architecture, Planning, and Design

Topics Covered- Architectural Graphics; Visual composition in 2D and 3D; Computer application in Architecture and
Planning; Anthropometrics; Organization of space; Circulation- horizontal and vertical; Space
Standards; Universal design; Building bye-laws; Codes and standards.

List of GATE Architecture Free mock tests-

List of all Gate Architecture Free Mock Tests

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Here are 30 multiple-choice questions for the GATE Architecture mock test, covering the topics of Architecture, Planning, and Design:

  1. Which architectural element focuses on the study and design of roof structures?
    a) Roofing systems
    b) Structural engineering
    c) Architectural graphics
    d) Visual composition
  2. In 2D visual composition, which principle refers to the arrangement of elements along a central axis?
    a) Symmetry
    b) Asymmetry
    c) Balance
    d) Rhythm
  3. Which computer application is commonly used for 3D modeling and rendering in architecture?
    a) AutoCAD
    b) SketchUp
    c) Photoshop
    d) InDesign
  4. Anthropometrics in architecture involves the study of:
    a) Human behavior in buildings
    b) Building materials and construction techniques
    c) Environmental sustainability
    d) Cultural heritage preservation
  5. What does circulation refer to in architectural design?
    a) Movement of people within a building
    b) Structural stability of a building
    c) Energy efficiency measures
    d) Site selection criteria
  6. The concept of space standards in architecture pertains to:
    a) Determining the minimum dimensions and requirements for functional spaces
    b) Incorporating sustainable design principles
    c) Achieving aesthetic harmony in interior spaces
    d) Balancing natural and artificial lighting in a building
  7. Universal design in architecture aims to:
    a) Create environments accessible to all individuals, regardless of their abilities
    b) Preserve historical architectural styles
    c) Incorporate advanced technology in building systems
    d) Promote energy-efficient design solutions
  8. Building byelaws refer to:
    a) Legal regulations governing the construction and use of buildings
    b) Standards for sustainable building materials
    c) Guidelines for architectural graphics and presentation
    d) Design principles for urban planning
  9. Codes and standards in architecture serve to:
    a) Ensure safety, efficiency, and quality in building design and construction
    b) Establish aesthetic guidelines for architectural expression
    c) Promote artistic freedom in architectural design
    d) Set guidelines for landscaping and outdoor spaces
  10. Which term refers to the relationship between human body measurements and architectural design?
    a) Ergonomics
    b) Circulation
    c) Sustainability
    d) Visual composition
  11. What does the term “proportion” signify in visual composition?
    a) The relative size and scale of elements in a composition
    b) The arrangement of elements along a central axis
    c) The use of light and shadow to create depth and volume
    d) The balance of colors and materials in a composition
  12. In architectural design, the term “modularity” refers to:
    a) The use of standardized units or modules in construction
    b) The arrangement of spaces within a building
    c) The study of building codes and regulations
    d) The incorporation of sustainable design features
  13. What is the primary goal of sustainable architecture?
    a) Minimizing environmental impact and promoting energy efficiency
    b) Maximizing visual appeal and aesthetic quality
    c) Creating flexible and adaptable spaces
    d) Incorporating traditional architectural styles and motifs
  14. Which computer application is commonly used for urban planning and site analysis?
    a) GIS (Geographic Information System)
    b) Revit
    c) ArchiCAD
    d) Rhino
  15. The concept of “active design” in architecture emphasizes:
    a) Promoting physical activity and health through design interventions
    b) Incorporating smart home technology in buildings
    c) Integrating natural ventilation strategies in building design
    d) Emphasizing bold and dynamic architectural forms
  16. Which factor is considered when designing spaces for universal accessibility?
    a) Ensuring barrier-free movement and use for individuals with disabilities
    b) Maximizing energy efficiency and sustainability
    c) Incorporating advanced building automation systems
    d) Implementing biophilic design principles
  17. What is the role of architectural byelaws in the construction and use of buildings?
    a) Regulating compliance with building codes and safety standards
    b) Enforcing copyright protection for architectural designs
    c) Promoting cultural heritage preservation
    d) Facilitating collaboration between architects and engineers
  18. How does architectural graphics contribute to the design process?
    a) It visually communicates design ideas and concepts
    b) It ensures structural stability and safety
    c) It calculates building material quantities and costs
    d) It measures environmental performance metrics
  19. What does the term “green building” refer to in architecture?
    a) Sustainable and environmentally friendly design and construction practices
    b) Architectural designs featuring extensive use of vegetation and landscaping
    c) High-rise buildings with energy-efficient elevators and escalators
    d) Architectural designs influenced by nature and organic forms
  20. How do building codes and standards differ?
    a) Codes are legal regulations, while standards are guidelines
    b) Codes apply to residential buildings, while standards apply to commercial buildings
    c) Codes focus on structural integrity, while standards focus on aesthetics
    d) Codes are mandatory, while standards are optional
  21. Why is anthropometrics important in architectural design?
    a) To determine the dimensions and proportions of spaces for user comfort
    b) To calculate the load-bearing capacity of structural elements
    c) To analyze the impact of daylighting strategies on energy consumption
    d) To evaluate the acoustic performance of buildings
  22. How does computer application support architectural design?
    a) By facilitating 3D visualization and analysis of architectural projects
    b) By automating the construction process and reducing labor costs
    c) By generating sustainable building materials and systems
    d) By providing real-time weather data for site analysis
  23. What does the term “space planning” refer to in architecture?
    a) The arrangement and layout of spaces within a building
    b) The study of cultural and historical contexts in architectural design
    c) The application of advanced structural analysis techniques
    d) The design of outdoor spaces and landscapes
  24. Universal design in architecture promotes:
    a) Accessibility and usability for people of all abilities
    b) Exclusive use of traditional architectural styles
    c) Complex and intricate architectural detailing
    d) High-tech building systems and automation
  25. How do space standards contribute to architectural design?
    a) They ensure that spaces are adequately sized and proportioned for their intended use
    b) They dictate the use of specific building materials and finishes
    c) They define the maximum allowable height for buildings in a given area
    d) They establish guidelines for the installation of mechanical and electrical systems
  26. What is the role of architectural graphics in the design process?
    a) They communicate design ideas through drawings and visual representations
    b) They coordinate the construction process and schedule
    c) They facilitate collaboration between architects and interior designers
    d) They control the flow of natural light in buildings
  27. Which term refers to the movement of people within a building?
    a) Circulation
    b) Ergonomics
    c) Anthropometrics
    d) Zoning
  28. How do computer applications benefit architectural design?
    a) By providing tools for efficient design, visualization, and analysis
    b)By automating the architectural design process entirely

c) By replacing the need for human involvement in the design process
d) By reducing the overall cost of construction materials

  1. What is the significance of building byelaws in architectural practice?
    a) They ensure compliance with legal and safety requirements during construction
    b) They promote the use of sustainable and green building materials
    c) They dictate the architectural styles and motifs to be used in a region
    d) They determine the maximum allowable building height in a city
  2. How does visual composition in architecture contribute to the overall design?
    a) It creates visual harmony and balance between architectural elements
    b) It ensures compliance with building codes and regulations
    c) It determines the functional layout of spaces within a building
    d) It controls the circulation of air and natural ventilation in buildings

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