GATE Architecture 2024 Exam: Prepare with Free Mock Tests- 3


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GATE Architecture Free mock test for- Architecture, Planning, and Design

Topics Covered- Architectural Graphics; Visual composition in 2D and 3D; Computer application in Architecture and
Planning; Anthropometrics; Organization of space; Circulation- horizontal and vertical; Space
Standards; Universal design; Building bye-laws; Codes and standards.

List of GATE Architecture Free mock tests-

List of all Gate Architecture Free Mock Tests

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Here are 30 multiple-choice questions for the GATE Architecture mock test, covering the topics of Architecture, Planning, and Design:

Certainly! Here are the next set of 30 questions for the GATE Architecture mock test:

  1. What is the role of anthropometrics in architectural design?
    a) It focuses on the study of ancient architectural structures
    b) It deals with the design of anthropological museums
    c) It involves the study of human body measurements and ergonomics in design
    d) It refers to the design of architecture for anthropological research
  2. Which type of circulation in architecture refers to movement within a single floor or level?
    a) Horizontal circulation
    b) Vertical circulation
    c) Diagonal circulation
    d) Corridor circulation
  3. What are space standards in architecture?
    a) Guidelines for energy-efficient designs
    b) Recommendations for building heights
    c) Specifications for the dimensions and sizes of spaces
    d) Requirements for sustainable materials
  4. Universal design in architecture aims to create spaces that are:
    a) Accessible and usable by all, regardless of age or ability
    b) Custom-designed for individual users
    c) Specific to a particular cultural context
    d) Exclusively focused on aesthetics
  5. Building bylaws are:
    a) Government regulations and legal requirements for architectural design
    b) Guidelines for interior decoration and furnishing
    c) Recommendations for landscaping around buildings
    d) Rules for fire safety equipment in buildings
  6. What is the purpose of architectural codes and standards?
    a) To ensure compliance with ethical principles in architecture
    b) To provide design inspiration for architects
    c) To promote cultural diversity in architectural styles
    d) To establish guidelines for safety, quality, and performance in buildings
  7. In architecture, what does “form follows function” mean?
    a) The design of a building should be based on its intended purpose and use
    b) Aesthetic considerations are more important than functional aspects
    c) Buildings should be designed to blend with their surroundings
    d) The design of a building should be based on historical architectural styles
  8. How does computer-aided design (CAD) software benefit architects?
    a) It automates the construction process
    b) It replaces the need for physical drawings and models
    c) It allows for quick and accurate design modifications
    d) It eliminates the need for architects in the design process
  9. What is the primary advantage of using 3D visualization in architecture?
    a) It allows architects to view and present designs in a more realistic manner
    b) It speeds up the construction process
    c) It reduces the need for structural calculations
    d) It makes architectural drawings more aesthetically pleasing
  10. Which architectural style is known for its emphasis on open floor plans and harmony with nature?
    a) Gothic architecture
    b) Art Deco architecture
    c) Modern architecture
    d) Baroque architecture
  11. How does sustainable architecture contribute to environmental conservation?
    a) By using energy-efficient materials and systems
    b) By incorporating elaborate ornamentation and decorations
    c) By increasing the use of non-renewable resources
    d) By creating large and expansive buildings
  12. What does the term “parametric design” mean in architecture?
    a) It involves using algorithms and parameters to generate and manipulate architectural forms
    b) It refers to the use of manual drafting techniques in architectural design
    c) It focuses on designing buildings for parametric studies
    d) It emphasizes architectural design inspired by parametric equations
  13. Which type of architectural drawing shows a cross-section view of a building?
    a) Plan
    b) Elevation
    c) Section
    d) Perspective
  14. What is the purpose of a site analysis in architectural design?
    a) To understand the historical significance of a site
    b) To determine the cost of construction
    c) To assess the environmental conditions and context of the site
    d) To create artistic sketches of the site
  15. What does the term “vernacular architecture” refer to?
    a) Buildings that are designed by untrained architects
    b) Buildings with a distinct local character and construction methods
    c) Buildings that are no longer in use
    d) Buildings designed exclusively for tourists
  16. Which architectural style is characterized by its pointed arches and flying buttresses?
    a) Gothic architecture
    b) Romanesque architecture
    c) Renaissance architecture
    d) Neoclassical architecture
  17. What role does a landscape architect play in architectural projects?
    a) They focus on the interior design of buildings
    b) They design the landscaping and outdoor spaces around buildings
    c) They oversee the construction process of buildings
    d) They conduct structural analysis of buildings
  18. What is the purpose of conducting a cost estimation in architectural projects?
    a) To determine the environmental impact of the project
    b) To assess the social implications of the project
    c) To understand the cultural significance of the project
    d) To evaluate the financial feasibility of the project
  19. In architecture, what does the term “Feng Shui” refer to?
    a) The art of ancient Egyptian architecture
    b) The study of traditional Japanese architecture
    c) The Chinese practice of arranging spaces to promote harmony and balance
    d) The design philosophy of ancient Greek architecture
  20. Which architectural movement is known for its use of simple geometric shapes and clean lines?
    a) Gothic architecture
    b) Art Deco architecture
    c) Bauhaus architecture
    d) Baroque architecture
  21. How does the principles of “green building” contribute to sustainability?
    a) By using energy-efficient materials and technologies
    b) By focusing solely on aesthetics and visual appeal
    c) By increasing the use of non-renewable resources
    d) By designing buildings with excessive ornamentation
  22. What is the purpose of architectural models in the design process?
    a) To showcase the latest architectural trends
    b) To create art pieces for exhibitions
    c) To communicate design concepts and spatial relationships
    d) To promote the use of traditional building materials
  23. What does the term “adaptive reuse” mean in architecture?
    a) The practice of designing buildings to withstand earthquakes
    b) The process of renovating and repurposing existing buildings for new uses
    c) The use of modern technology in the construction process
    d) The integration of renewable energy sources in buildings
  24. How does the concept of “biophilic design” benefit occupants of buildings?
    a) By increasing energy consumption in buildings
    b) By reducing the overall cost of construction
    c) By promoting a connection with nature and improving well-being
    d) By prioritizing the use of synthetic materials
  25. In architecture, what is the purpose of a building permit?
    a) To grant permission for demolishing a building
    b) To regulate the design and construction of buildings
    c) To protect buildings from natural disasters
    d) To facilitate the sale of a building
  26. What are the key elements of postmodern architecture?
    a) Ornate and decorative facades
    b) Emphasis on simplicity and minimalism
    c) Use of traditional materials and construction techniques
    d) Playful and eclectic design approach

27. What is the main goal of participatory design in architecture?
a) To create buildings without professional architects
b) To involve the community in the design process
c) To design buildings exclusively for children
d) To focus on the use of smart technology in architecture

  1. What does the term “prefabrication” mean in architecture?
    a) The use of excessive ornamentation on building facades
    b) The practice of using recycled materials in construction
    c) The construction of building components in a factory before assembly on-site
    d) The process of designing buildings without using computer software
  2. How does the principles of “transparency” in architecture affect spatial perception?
    a) It makes the building appear smaller and more intimate
    b) It blurs the boundaries between interior and exterior spaces
    c) It creates a sense of mystery and secrecy in the building
    d) It enhances the use of dark colors and low lighting in the building
  3. What is the significance of the Golden Ratio in architectural design?
    a) It emphasizes the use of modular construction techniques
    b) It provides a mathematical formula for determining building heights
    c) It is believed to create a sense of visual harmony and balance in design
    d) It serves as a standard unit of measurement in architectural drawings


  1. c) It involves the study of human body measurements and ergonomics in design
  2. a) Horizontal circulation
  3. c) Specifications for the dimensions and sizes of spaces
  4. a) Accessible and usable by all, regardless of age or ability
  5. a) Government regulations and legal requirements for architectural design
  6. d) To establish guidelines for safety, quality, and performance in buildings
  7. a) The design of a building should be based on its intended purpose and use
  8. c) It allows for quick and accurate design modifications
  9. a) It allows architects to view and present designs in a more realistic manner
  10. c) Modern architecture
  11. a) By using energy-efficient materials and systems
  12. a) It involves using algorithms and parameters to generate and manipulate architectural forms
  13. c) Section
  14. c) To assess the environmental conditions and context of the site
  15. b) Buildings with a distinct local character and construction methods
  16. a) Gothic architecture
  17. b) They design the landscaping and outdoor spaces around buildings
  18. d) To evaluate the financial feasibility of the project
  19. c) The Chinese practice of arranging spaces to promote harmony and balance
  20. c) Bauhaus architecture
  21. a) By using energy-efficient materials and technologies
  22. c) To communicate design concepts and spatial relationships
  23. b) The process of renovating and repurposing existing buildings for new uses
  24. c) By promoting a connection with nature and improving well-being
  25. b) To regulate the design and construction of buildings
  26. d) Playful and eclectic design approach
  27. b) To involve the community in the design process
  28. c) The construction of building components in a factory before assembly on-site
  29. b) It blurs the boundaries between interior and exterior spaces
  30. c) It is believed to create a sense of visual harmony and balance in design

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