GATE Architecture 2024 Exam: Prepare with Free Mock Tests- 4


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GATE Architecture Free mock test – Construction and Management

Topics Covered- Project management techniques e.g. PERT, CPM, etc.; Estimation and Specification; Professional
practice and ethics; Form and Structure; Principles and design of disaster-resistant structures;
Temporary structures for rehabilitation;

List of GATE Architecture Free mock tests-

List of all Gate Architecture Free Mock Tests

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Here are 30 multiple-choice questions for the GATE architecture mock test, covering the topics of Construction and Management, Project Management Techniques (e.g. PERT, CPM, etc.), Estimation and Specification, Professional Practice and Ethics, Form and Structure, Principles and Design of Disaster-Resistant Structures, and Temporary Structures for Rehabilitation:

  1. Which project management technique is used to analyze and represent the flow of activities in a project as a network?
    a) PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)
    b) CPM (Critical Path Method)
    c) GANTT chart
    d) SWOT analysis
  2. Estimation of materials and quantities in construction is essential for:
    a) Project scheduling
    b) Quality control
    c) Cost estimation
    d) Site selection
  3. In architectural practice, what does ethics primarily focus on?
    a) Maximizing profits for the architect
    b) Ensuring adherence to building codes
    c) Balancing aesthetics and functionality
    d) Responsibility and integrity towards clients and society
  4. The form of a building refers to:
    a) The physical appearance and layout of spaces
    b) The structural stability of the building
    c) The choice of construction materials
    d) The cost estimation of the project
  5. What is the primary goal of designing disaster-resistant structures?
    a) Reducing construction time
    b) Maximizing interior space utilization
    c) Minimizing environmental impact
    d) Ensuring safety during natural disasters
  6. Temporary structures are commonly used for:
    a) Permanent housing solutions
    b) Post-disaster rehabilitation
    c) Long-term infrastructure projects
    d) High-rise commercial buildings
  7. Which project management technique helps in identifying the critical activities that can delay the project?
    a) PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)
    b) CPM (Critical Path Method)
    c) SWOT analysis
    d) Risk assessment
  8. The process of determining the specific items, quantities, and qualities of materials required for a construction project is known as:
    a) Cost estimation
    b) Specification
    c) Project planning
    d) Risk analysis
  9. What is the primary purpose of a GANTT chart in project management?
    a) Resource allocation
    b) Identifying critical paths
    c) Risk assessment
    d) Cost estimation
  10. Professional ethics in architecture involve considerations of:
    a) Aesthetics only
    b) Economic factors only
    c) Social responsibility and integrity
    d) Structural stability only
  11. Form in architecture refers to:
    a) The arrangement of rooms within a building
    b) The materials used in construction
    c) The aesthetic appearance and shape of a building
    d) The process of project scheduling
  12. Which design approach aims to create buildings that can withstand natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes?
    a) Sustainable design
    b) Disaster-resilient design
    c) Minimalist design
    d) Postmodern design
  13. Temporary structures are often used in:
    a) Residential buildings
    b) High-rise office towers
    c) Disaster relief efforts
    d) Long-term infrastructure projects
  14. The Critical Path Method (CPM) is used to:
    a) Determine the most aesthetically pleasing design
    b) Estimate the total cost of the project
    c) Identify the sequence of activities that will take the least time
    d) Identify the sequence of activities that will take the longest time
  15. In the context of architecture, sustainability refers to:
    a) The use of renewable energy sources in construction
    b) The ability of a building to adapt to changing requirements
    c) The environmental impact of a building throughout its lifecycle
    d) The use of recycled materials in construction
  16. What is the purpose of conducting a feasibility study in project management?
    a) To assess the structural stability of a building
    b) To analyze the economic viability of a project
    c) To determine the aesthetics of a building design
    d) To evaluate the environmental impact of a project
  17. Which principle of disaster-resistant structures focuses on providing multiple escape routes in case of emergencies?
    a) Redundancy
    b) Resilience
    c) Robustness
    d) Reliability
  18. Building codes and standards are primarily concerned with:
    a) Promoting innovative architectural designs
    b) Ensuring compliance with legal requirements
    c) Maximizing the use of natural light
    d) Minimizing construction costs
  19. The process of project cost estimation involves:
    a) Evaluating the structural stability of the building
    b) Assessing the risks associated with the project
    c) Determining the total budget required for the project
    d) Analyzing the aesthetic appeal of the design
  20. Universal design in architecture aims to:
    a) Create buildings that appeal to a specific cultural group
    b) Provide access and usability to all individuals, regardless of their abilities
    c) Minimize the use of technology in construction
    d) Emphasize traditional architectural styles
  21. Which of the following is a critical consideration in disaster-resilient design?
    a) The use of non-durable construction materials
    b) The inclusion of large, open spaces in the design
    c) The location of the building away from potential hazards
    d) The exclusive focus on aesthetics
  22. Which temporary structure is commonly used for post-disaster rehabilitation efforts?
    a) High-rise office buildings
    b) Greenhouses
    c) Mobile healthcare units
    d) Theme park attractions
  23. What does PERT stand for in project management?
    a) Program Evaluation and Review Technique
    b) Project Evaluation and Resource Tracking
    c) Process Efficiency and Resource Techniques
    d) Planning and Execution of Resource Tasks
  24. The process of determining the specific items, quantities, and qualities of materials required for a construction project is known as:
    a) Cost estimation
    b) Specification
    c) Project planning
    d) Risk analysis
  25. Professional ethics in architecture involve considerations of:
    a) Aesthetics only
    b) Economic factors only
    c) Social responsibility and integrity
    d) Structural stability only
  26. Form in architecture refers to:
    a) The arrangement of rooms within a building
    b) The materials used in construction
    c) The aesthetic appearance and shape of a building
    d) The process of project scheduling
  27. Which design approach aims to create buildings that can withstand natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes?
    a) Sustainable design
    b) Disaster-resilient design
    c) Minimalist design
    d) Postmodern design
  28. Temporary structures are often used in:
    a) Residential buildings
    b) High-rise office towers
    c) Disaster relief efforts
    d) Long-term infrastructure projects
  29. The Critical Path Method (CPM) is used to:
    a) Determine the most aesthetically pleasing design
    b) Estimate the total cost of the project
    c) Identify the sequence of activities that will take the least time
    d) Identify the sequence of activities that will take the longest time

30.In the context of architecture, sustainability refers to:
a) The use of renewable energy sources in construction
b) The ability of a building to adapt to changing requirements
c) The environmental impact of a building throughout its lifecycle
d) The use of recycled materials in construction


  1. a) PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)
  2. c) Cost estimation
  3. d) Responsibility and integrity towards clients and society
  4. c) The aesthetic appearance and shape of a building
  5. d) Ensuring safety during natural disasters
  6. b) Post-disaster rehabilitation
  7. b) CPM (Critical Path Method)
  8. b) Specification
  9. a) Resource allocation
  10. c) Social responsibility and integrity
  11. c) The aesthetic appearance and shape of a building
  12. b) Disaster-resilient design
  13. c) Disaster relief efforts
  14. c) Identify the sequence of activities that will take the least time
  15. c) The environmental impact of a building throughout its lifecycle
  16. b) To analyze the economic viability of a project
  17. a) Redundancy
  18. b) Ensuring compliance with legal requirements
  19. c) Determining the total budget required for the project
  20. b) Provide access and usability to all individuals, regardless of their abilities
  21. c) The location of the building away from potential hazards
  22. c) Mobile healthcare units
  23. a) Program Evaluation and Review Technique
  24. b) Specification
  25. c) Social responsibility and integrity
  26. c) The aesthetic appearance and shape of a building
  27. b) Disaster-resilient design
  28. c) Disaster relief efforts
  29. d) Identify the sequence of activities that will take the longest time
  30. c) The environmental impact of a building throughout its lifecycle

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