Gate Architecture Free Mock Test: Gate Architecture 2023

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GATE Architecture Free mock test 10 – Mixed Topics

Absolutely! Here’s the next set of 20 multiple-choice questions for your GATE Architecture exam preparation:

  1. The concept of “negative space” in architecture refers to:
    a) Open areas within a building
    b) The space between buildings
    c) Void spaces in a design
    d) The absence of natural light
  2. Which architectural movement is characterized by the use of bold geometric forms and emphasis on functionalism?
    a) Art Deco
    b) Brutalism
    c) Deconstructivism
    d) Functionalism
  3. What is the purpose of a “pilotis” in architectural design?
    a) To support a cantilevered structure
    b) To provide natural ventilation
    c) To enhance aesthetics
    d) To prevent soil erosion
  4. The concept of “tectonics” in architecture refers to:
    a) Structural expression and construction techniques
    b) Decorative elements on facades
    c) Environmental sustainability features
    d) Use of natural materials
  5. In architecture, what does the term “plinth” typically refer to?
    a) Roof structure
    b) Ground floor level
    c) Decorative columns
    d) Architrave details
  6. Who is known for the design of the Sydney Opera House?
    a) Frank Gehry
    b) Zaha Hadid
    c) Jørn Utzon
    d) Norman Foster
  7. The concept of “genius loci” in architecture emphasizes:
    a) Site-specific design
    b) Modular construction
    c) High-tech materials
    d) Minimalist aesthetics
  8. Which architectural style is characterized by the use of horizontal lines, flat roofs, and integration with the landscape?
    a) Prairie School
    b) Colonial Revival
    c) International Style
    d) Victorian
  9. What does the term “fenestration” refer to in architectural language?
    a) Flooring materials
    b) Window design and arrangement
    c) Roof structure
    d) Interior lighting
  10. The concept of “biomimicry” in architecture involves:
    a) Imitating natural forms and processes in design
    b) Use of synthetic materials
    c) Historical preservation
    d) Incorporating traditional craftsmanship
  11. The term “corbel” in architecture refers to:
    a) A structural column
    b) A decorative arch
    c) A projecting stone or brick that supports a structure
    d) A type of roofing material
  12. What is the purpose of a “rain screen” in building design?
    a) To prevent water infiltration into the building envelope
    b) To enhance natural ventilation
    c) To provide shade from direct sunlight
    d) To improve seismic performance
  13. The concept of “parametric design” in architecture involves:
    a) Using computer algorithms to generate complex forms
    b) Traditional hand-drawing techniques
    c) Emphasis on symmetry and proportion
    d) Constructing buildings without blueprints
  14. The Bauhaus School, influential in modern architecture, was founded in:
    a) Berlin
    b) Paris
    c) Weimar
    d) London
  15. In architectural terms, what does the acronym BIM stand for?
    a) Building Information Modeling
    b) Basic Infrastructure Management
    c) Bold Innovative Materials
    d) Biomorphic Integrated Models
  16. Which architect is associated with the design of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona?
    a) Frank Lloyd Wright
    b) Antoni Gaudí
    c) Alvar Aalto
    d) Eero Saarinen
  17. The concept of “adaptive reuse” in architecture involves:
    a) Transforming an existing building for a new purpose
    b) Using adaptive lighting technologies
    c) Preservation of historic artifacts
    d) Designing buildings with flexible spaces
  18. What is the function of a “mullion” in architectural design?
    a) To support a beam
    b) To divide a window or door into vertical sections
    c) To provide lateral stability
    d) To create a decorative frieze
  19. The concept of “urban sprawl” in architecture and planning refers to:
    a) Unplanned and disorganized urban development
    b) High-density urban centers
    c) Sustainable city planning
    d) Architectural conservation efforts
  20. The “Leaning Tower of Pisa” is an example of which architectural style?
    a) Romanesque
    b) Gothic
    c) Baroque
    d) Renaissance

Here are the answers for the set of 20 multiple-choice questions:

  1. c) Void spaces in a design
  2. d) Functionalism
  3. a) To support a cantilevered structure
  4. a) Structural expression and construction techniques
  5. b) Ground floor level
  6. c) Jørn Utzon
  7. a) Site-specific design
  8. a) Prairie School
  9. b) Window design and arrangement
  10. a) Imitating natural forms and processes in design
  11. c) A projecting stone or brick that supports a structure
  12. a) To prevent water infiltration into the building envelope
  13. a) Using computer algorithms to generate complex forms
  14. c) Weimar
  15. a) Building Information Modeling
  16. b) Antoni Gaudí
  17. a) Transforming an existing building for a new purpose
  18. b) To divide a window or door into vertical sections
  19. a) Unplanned and disorganized urban development
  20. d) Renaissance
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