Gate Architecture Free Mock Test-06: Your Ticket to Success

Architecture 2024 exam preparation with a student studying diligently

Introduction GATE Architecture Free mock test – Mixed Topics List of GATE Architecture Free mock tests- You may also like- IGBC AP Free Mock Test: Practice for Success Here are 30 multiple-choice questions for the GATE architecture mock test (Mixed Topics). b) To add extra space and functionalityc) To enhance the building’s aesthetic appeald) To increase the building’s height Answer: Read More …

Gate Architecture Free Mock Test-05: Your Ticket to Success

Introduction GATE Architecture Free mock test – Construction and Management Topics Covered- Project management techniques e.g. PERT, CPM, etc.; Estimation and Specification; Professionalpractice and ethics; Form and Structure; Principles and design of disaster-resistant structures;Temporary structures for rehabilitation; List of GATE Architecture Free mock tests- You may also like- IGBC AP Free Mock Test: Practice for Success Here are 30 multiple-choice Read More …