GATE Architecture 2024 Exam: Prepare with Free Mock Tests- 4

Architecture 2024 exam preparation with a student studying diligently

Introduction GATE Architecture Free mock test – Construction and Management Topics Covered- Project management techniques e.g. PERT, CPM, etc.; Estimation and Specification; Professionalpractice and ethics; Form and Structure; Principles and design of disaster-resistant structures;Temporary structures for rehabilitation; List of GATE Architecture Free mock tests- You may also like- IGBC AP Free Mock Test -1: Practice for Success Here are 30 Read More …

GATE Architecture 2024 Exam: Prepare with Free Mock Tests- 2

Architecture 2024 exam preparation with a student studying diligently

Introduction GATE Architecture Free mock test for Architecture, Planning, and Design Topics Covered- Architectural Graphics; Visual composition in 2D and 3D; Computer application in Architecture andPlanning; Anthropometrics; Organization of space; Circulation- horizontal and vertical; SpaceStandards; Universal design; Building bye-laws; Codes and standards. List of GATE Architecture Free mock tests- You may also like- IGBC AP Free Mock Test -1: Practice Read More …

GATE Architecture 2024 Exam: Prepare with Free Mock Tests- 1

Architecture 2024 exam preparation with a student studying diligently

Introduction GATE Architecture Free mock test for- Architecture, Planning, and Design Topics Covered- Architectural Graphics; Visual composition in 2D and 3D; Computer application in Architecture andPlanning; Anthropometrics; Organization of space; Circulation- horizontal and vertical; SpaceStandards; Universal design; Building bye-laws; Codes and standards. Explore detailed articles related to the topics covered in this mock test- Building for Humanity: How Universal Design Read More …